Category Archives: ARDUINO
Ever heard of the term “Arduino” but not knowing what is it or what it means? Today, with this comprehensive Arduino guide, you will learn all about the Arduino from: Overview of Arduino What can the Arduino do? Why use the Arduino? What makes up an Arduino Board? Arduino Sensors and Shields About the Arduino […]
There are many electronic boards out there, why use the Arduino board? Well, there are many reasons that make this microcontroller special. Advantages of using the Arduino includes: Arduino simplifies microcontrollers for beginners Besides the main microcontroller chip, a microcontroller will require many different parts for it to work. What Arduino did is that they […]
Arduino Shields Arduino shields are pre-built circuit boards that are easily plugged on top of your Arduino headers to extend its capabilities. With the Arduino, adding Bluetooth, wifi connectivity, GPS, motor driver can be difficult if you are new to the Arduino. With shields, you can avoid all the trouble and easily plug in a […]